

From cppreference.com
< cpp‎ | io‎ | ios base
fmtflags flags() const;
fmtflags flags( fmtflags flags );

Manages format flags.

1) returns current formatting setting

2) replaces current settings with given ones.


flags - new formatting setting. It can be a combination of the following constants:
Constant Explanation
dec use decimal base for integer I/O: see std::dec
oct use octal base for integer I/O: see std::oct
hex use hexadecimal base for integer I/O: see std::hex
basefield dec|oct|hex|0. Useful for masking operations
left left adjustment (adds fill characters to the right): see std::left
right right adjustment (adds fill characters to the left): see std::right
internal internal adjustment (adds fill characters to the internal designated point): see std::internal
adjustfield left|right|internal. Useful for masking operations
scientific generate floating point types using scientific notation, or hex notation if combined with fixed: see std::scientific
fixed generate floating point types using fixed notation, or hex notation if combined with scientific: see std::fixed
floatfield scientific|fixed|(scientific|fixed)|0. Useful for masking operations
boolalpha insert and extract bool type in alphanumeric format: see std::boolalpha
showbase generate a prefix indicating the numeric base for integer output, require the currency indicator in monetary I/O: see std::showbase
showpoint generate a decimal-point character unconditionally for floating-point number output: see std::showpoint
showpos generate a + character for non-negative numeric output: see std::showpos
skipws skip leading whitespace before certain input operations: see std::skipws
unitbuf flush the output after each output operation: see std::unitbuf
uppercase replace certain lowercase letters with their uppercase
equivalents in certain output output operations: see std::uppercase

Return value

the formatting flags before the call to the function


See also

sets specific format flag
(public member function)
clears specific format flag
(public member function)